I'm so pleased to launch this new website! Thank you for visiting. My previous website was 9 years old (July 2009). Time to update it! Working on new site last 2 years. Whew! Finally done!
Hopefully this new site makes it easier for you to browse my services, book appointments, enroll in Online Workshops, learn more about your Spirit Guides & how they help you.
This new site is also more secure & user-friendly. Your online payments will be faster & safer.
Since moving to Houston this March, I'm accepting phone or Skype appointments only. Not to worry, phone & Skype readings are just as effective as office sessions. Opening new Houston office very soon.
Hope you enjoy this new site & its beautiful photos. Even though I moved from Sedona 5 months ago, after 8 years, my heart & soul still bleed RED DIRT! Sedona still lives inside me. Stay tuned for more Posts soon! Thank you for visiting. --- Robin Amanda