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What I See

Writer's picture: Sedona Spirit Psychic-MediumSedona Spirit Psychic-Medium

Gibraltar, Sedona Arizona
Gibraltar, Sedona Arizona

You won't like this. You might even blame the messenger. These things must be said.

Spent last 5 days watching news headlines, reputable news sources, reputable and obscure podcasts, checking humanity's temperature (emotionally, mentally, spiritually) - on X, YouTube channels, and Podcast Channels. Browsing comments about topics like drones, physical health, spirituality, and other relevant human topics. Since age 10, human patterns fascinate me. As a psychic-medium, American and regular human person living life on this planet. Sources listed below this article.

If you supplant someone from 1970s into today's America, they would feel appalled, ashamed, confused and want to kill themselves to get out of here. Reminiscent despair scene of Charlton Heston standing on the beach looking at sunken Statue of Liberty in movie "Planet of The Apes". How did America become the new Stalin Bolshevik Republic? Didn't we fight to combat this stuff? When did Castro start controlling the USA? Why did Americans elect the wrong people? Is this how the JFK assassination affected America?

Americans' drone responses during this last week show me: we're devolving; not evolving. We keep sliding down the ladder of empowerment and Spiritual Enlightenment. We're not "storming the capitol" (non-violent), using our American voices en masse to affect and direct government policy-makers, who work for us, to protect our liberties, freedoms, privacy. We ineffectively use our voices on Social Media, instead of burning up the phones and emails of elected leaders until they do their job!

We rely on weak leaders to lead. While they consistently prove they're feckless and ignorant. Then we feel powerless and helpless, waiting for Superman to save us.

A vicious circle of ineptitude: by Americans and the leaders who represent them. Bullies surface during times like these (e.g. Mayorkas, State Department spokesmen). Circling Americans' voices, wearing them down, until common sense voices silenced. Wearing down the spirit of America.

During Covid, my psychic radar picked up human signals that shocked me. Predominantly cowardice, hopelessness, panic and fear. Over a simple coronavirus jacked up by US-Chinese bio-engineering gone awry. People ignorant of how their bodies work. People allowing outside sources to silence their internal intelligence: their intuition and soul courage. Following silly unproductive, unsubstantiated rules set by people inferior to them. Inferior people by intelligence, common sense, emotional insecurity, courage and strength, these "leaders" sought power and dominion over global humanity and human consciousness.

Those leaders got that power and dominion over you. They fulfilled their agendas while you lost your comfortable lifestyle.

The strong side of humanity hired the weak, through elections, then allowed the weak to control them. Swarms of highly intelligent, strong people freely gave their power away to this small inferior power-hungry segment of humanity: government officials and leaders.

People masked up everywhere, though masks don't prevent disease. Masks create lung-breathing issues. Most working folks wore the same mask for 8-10 total hours. Then wondered why they kept getting sick. While some working folks knew better, didn't mask up and never got sick. People social-distanced though NO studies supported that as preventative. A little girl in Europe did a high school paper on "social distancing" and the EU, UN took that and ran with it. "Let's see if people will follow us. Let's test the waters." Smart people DID follow it!

More people died, emotionally-spiritually-physically, from Covid restrictions than the virus itself. I saw all this daily during 2-year Covid "response." It broke my heart and soul.

I couldn't believe the stupidity I witnessed every day. I couldn't believe Americans allowed weak, ignorant leaders to control them like that. I couldn't believe Americans did not storm their state capitols when government officials forced them to stay home and not work. I couldn't believe Americans followed, giving away their sovereign powers of life, liberty, happiness and lifestyle - without checking facts or questioning government leaders. American trait: question everything, especially your government. Then go direct to your government leaders, who you own, and demand answers until they answer you. Across US, I saw no one questioning Covid measures en masse. I saw no groups storming the offices of their local and state leaders. Very few talked to their local, state leaders.

Americans just followed, laid down and shut up. Bored at home, they watched videos online about human trafficking, evils of society, nonsense spiritual practices, and other "squirrels" they had no control over. Leading to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness. They learned their kids weren't learning anything at school. They learned teachers don't teach nor expand youths' minds. While their lives and lifestyles sat still, their minds circled vacant wagons. Idle hands is the Devil's workshop.

It all started when Americans chose the weak to overpower the strong. Why wonder we have huge epidemics of mental illness, drug overdose deaths, homelessness and poverty! Our emotional and spiritual imbalances seep into financial instability. Our hearts and souls create the physical world around us.

I strongly believe it all started on 9/11. That's when Americans stopped being Americans. Americans gave up their freedoms and liberty for safety and security. Why? Americans believed the Bush government lies. Americans and people across globe fell into mass PTSD consciousness.

23 years post-911, after expensive wars on terrorism that filled pockets of Military Industrial Complex with Americans' tax dollars, adversely affecting US economy and government debt, we still follow same 9/11 rules at airports. We allow an unelected and unmonitored government agency (TSA) to body-scan us, recording our bodies with our faceprints and IDs. We give up our freedoms, liberty and sovereignty each time we board a flight.

I "opt-out" at airports' TSA line. I don't want TSA to body-scan me. I'm the only traveler of 120 people standing in TSA lines, choosing to "opt out." I'm an American; not a terrorist.

Didn't we "win" the war on terrorism? After trillions $$ spent on those wars, if we didn't win, why aren't we demanding our tax dollars back? Why do we still allow the government to monitor us? I'm a red-headed Irish-Czech American. I'm no threat to national security. Why does TSA search my checked bag each time I fly? Invasion of privacy and sovereignty. Gestapo, anti-American tactics. Why do we allow it? Complacency, laziness, numbed minds.

I opt-out of TSA body-scans like I opted out of wearing masks and social distancing during Covid. Even if I'm the only one out of 100s of people and feel embarrassed. Why don't most Americans do the same thing?

Covid was a test of people's "physical health" knowledge. Most failed. That's weird to me. Why don't people know how their physical bodies work? Even nurses and doctors followed dumb Covid rules. Didn't they know those restrictions were nonsense? What are Med schools teaching people nowadays? My doctor knew Covid restrictions were bogus. He reads every CDC and WHO notice since beginning of time. I didn't mask anywhere. Didn't social-distance. Didn't get the shots. Didn't get Covid. Those who did - got Covid. I DID get thrown out of places for not masking or social-distancing. In Flagstaff REI and at Sedona's McDonald's. Did I care? I care about human stupidity, Nazi tactics, fear and mass cowardice. Those things bother me. A lot. They keep me awake at night, since Covid through today. Getting thrown out? Didn't care. Other choices exist. My ego wasn't bruised. My soul and heart broke. Nazi-type tactics in America. Who would believe it.

These last few days, checking Drone topic and others, I see the same human patterns I saw during Covid and 9/11. In 4 years, we slide faster down the evolution ladder; the ladder of true Spiritual Enlightenment.

Spirituality and Spiritual Enlightenment aren't lofty pie-in-sky goals. They are tools you use to empower your Earth life. They're your foundation; where you draw your strength and courage. When you don't use it, you lose it. Your soul works the same as your physical muscles. Exercise it daily. The more you use it and move it, the easier your life. You're not meant to spend Earth life moments staring at a screen or into space, oblivious and detached from reality. You're meant to live your reality. Physically live it. Take physical action. Feel empowered. If you're looking for Superman to rescue you, you'll always be disappointed. You are your Superman.

People, especially Americans, are wasting their inner power. Their soul power. They're wasting valuable resources and American dream by sitting on sidelines, wailing at ineptitude and weakness, while personally waiting on a savior. They thought voting in a new White House would save them. Now drones and aerial phenomenon plague their consciousness. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness resurface. Anger resurfaces: Why won't government tell the truth? Why doesn't government treat us like grown-ups? You forget. You elected children; immature, insecure, ignorant, unintelligent people masquerading as "leaders". You forget. You're the leader of your life. You control your life. No one else. Stop giving away your power to weak, ineffective people with agendas.

All those folks who followed Covid restrictions got Covid. I knew that would happen. I saw it beforehand. During Covid client sessions, did clients ask about those restrictions? Some did. Most didn't. When asked, was truth given (restrictions do nothing)? Yes.

America was the home of the brave. And land of the free. Not anymore. Acting bravely to secure your freedoms and soul-power: non-existent in today's America. What's a brave act? Gathering your friends, neighbors, family, associates. Starting a group email, phone or X campaign to government agencies like DHS, State Department, Department of Defense, your US congressmen-senators, state governors and local sheriffs. Demanding your constitutional protections that they swore an oath to defend. Demanding answers and action - their primary job. Demanding they do their jobs: every day until they do them. Shaming them into working for you, if it motivates them to work for you. If daily campaign like that doesn't work after 7-10 days, take your group and physically go to their offices. Gather more people in your group. Consistently wear down government officials until they do their job: protecting your life, liberties, privacy, physical safety.

Doesn't matter who got elected last month. Americans still practicing complacency, cowardice, looking for a savior or Superman.

In 1970-1990s America, NO unknown drones or mysterious aircraft would fly our skies. Unknown aircraft would get corralled by our law enforcement or military forces, taken to a military base or airport - or be shot down. Our local, state and federal government would ensure that! We as Americans would demand answers and personal safety! And we'd get it.

Because back then, we knew who we elected. They were our friends, neighbors, associates. We talked to them before they got elected. We talked to them after their election. How could they represent us - if we didn't talk to them? That's how the Crime Victim Movement became effective and successful, without the internet. We talked to elected leaders: mayors, sheriffs, state & federal congressmen, governors. Personally. We didn't avoid them. If they avoided us, we kept calling and showing up until they spoke to us. We felt passion and compassion for the safety of all Americans. We didn't want anyone else experiencing the same emotional, spiritual, mental, physical trauma as we did, as violent crime victims and homicide survivors. It's a decades-long hell that no one should endure.

Back to today. Mysterious drones in the sky. Silent government leaders getting away with doing nothing. Helpless, hopeless Americans. Three generations of Americans (Gen X, Z, and Millenials) feeling completely lost and hopeless about the future. (Source: Dr Phil podcasts).

I'm VERY ashamed of Americans. Americans don't deserve the freedoms given to them. Why wonder those freedoms are slipping away. Why wonder Americans feel depressed, anxious, hopeless, helpless. You're doing it to yourselves. You're circling vacant wagons. You're choosing to sit still, idle and distracted. You're choosing to be led by weak leaders and people. You're choosing to chase squirrels like "psych-Ops" theories, while living in one. The real psy-op is what you do to yourself. The power of life lives in your hands, voice, soul, and mind. You don't care enough about your life and loved ones' lives to protect, defend and empower it. You're wasting precious resources and your soul energy on the wrong things.

Americans lack passion. They lost their sense of community and human spirit. Many don't know God. The only thing that brings Americans together: strife, anger and fear. Natural disasters, fake news, or government overreach or ineptitude. We can blame the JFK assassination, 9/11, Covid, the White House, US Senate, US House, government agencies and Federal Reserve. They're not the real cause though. The real cause stares at you in the mirror.

You have the power to change the world around you. You choose distraction instead of action. Trump can't cure that. Dr. Phil can't cure that. A professional medium can't cure that. Only you can cure that. By changing your behavior and actions. Start doing things that bring you feelings of pride and accomplishment. That's not ego. It's human. Part of your soul's human experience on Earth.

Stop letting inferior people control your life. As seen since 9/11/2001, once they gain control, they don't let go. They fight you, shame you, avoid you, silence you, regulate you, restrict you. And you pay their salaries!

Don't let Drone stuff or other stuff, add more laws that restrict you. Government needs to do their job! They need restrictions, you don't! They need to follow you. You don't need to follow them nor their rules. Take back your power! Stand up for yourself.

Take back your life. Protect your liberties, freedoms, lifestyle. That's your job. Prove to your soul: your Earth life is worth it. Prove to Big Government: You're awake, aware and won't stop bothering them until they provide you the constitutional protections they're legally obligated to give you.

Robin Amanda

Sources: Epoch Times, OANN, NBC News, ABC News, Fox News, News Nation, Tucker Carlson Network. Podcasts: JRE, Chase Hughes, Megyn Kelly, PBD, Dr Phil, Phil In The Blanks, All-In, Lex Fridman, Michael Franzese, Piers Morgan, The Rubin Report, The Shawn Ryan Show, True Geordie.

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