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Eclipse & Comet Energy

Next week's stellar Trifecta, Eclipse-New Super Moon-Comet combo, will tug at your heart and soul. You might feel its effects this week. What effects? Releasing your past pains: in this lifetime and any previous ones. Clearing your heart and soul's damage deck of dirt and cobwebs from past soul traumas, cracks, fissures and deep emotional wounds and heartaches. They surface, you acknowledge them, then Monday's energy turns your pains into unbelievable clarity and recharged soul power.

Monday's energy is empowering, not ominous. The Solar Eclipse mixed with Super New Moon and Comet energy - showers Earth with 11th dimension energy. It clears your decks, reconnects you with God and your Soul, and refuels your heart-soul energies with renewed positivity, authenticity and balance. That's what Total Solar Eclipses do.

Post-Eclipse, you'll walk Earth feeling lighter. Painful baggage gone! You'll feel the ultimate freedom, balance and power of your soul wings. Monday's events emit 11th dimension energy - powerful once-in-a-lifetime stuff! You'll feel it even if you're not near a Totality Zone. If you don't feel anything, don't worry. Your soul healing is happening without your awareness.

What is Monday's energy NOT? Ominous. It's not a sign of End of Days. Nor shepherding doom, WW3, Earth's total destruction, or God's Wrath. Monday's Trifecta is clearing, not catastrophic. Doomsday theorists spewing doom and gloom are plain wrong. Don't buy their fear-based bullshit. You're smarter and stronger than that.

At the same time, the Trifecta clears humanity's decks. This can lead to major changes. Any change will feel positive and a welcomed relief to your soul. For the last 4 to 40 years, we lived through tons of negative, non-spiritual, and anti-human Earth themes. Incessant wars, Covid, 9/11, global economy collapses, Western World's self-loathing and hate, and today's anti-humanity Climate Change and Transgender nonsense. These human-created events moved humanity into a strong, global fear state: Global PTSD.

Any Post-Eclipse change will be a much-welcomed relief to all souls. The human pendulum moves from self-hatred insanity to Soul-love, God-Love sanity. Thank God, right?

Let's talk about YOU! This week might bring feelings of regret, loss, past traumas, bad memories, hopelessness or a desire for completion or release. You might question your soul journey: "Why am I here? Why do I exist? What's the lopsided life pattern I need to change - for wholeness and happiness? What's my soul purpose? Am I destined for sorrow then turn to worm-food after my death? What's the point in all this? Why did I sign up for this?"

You might question everything. "What's true and what isn't? What are leaders NOT saying? What do I NOT know? I feel something big on the horizon. What is it? Why do leaders hide truths and manipulate? I can handle the truth. Most of us humans aren't stupid. Why coddle us like children? Why are anti-human theories consuming the Western World? Why does Earth feel so uncertain right now? Has it always been this way - and I never knew it? Where's the Light amid the Darkness? How do I fit?"

Even old souls with multiple Earth life journeys and experiences as Spirit Guides and Angels, ask these questions. They question life at least 5 times a year without a looming Eclipse, new election cycle and Earth chaos. So you're not alone.

This week, if painful memories surface or you question your life, know it's the result of Monday's Trifecta energy. You can't clear the decks if you can't see the damaged dirt and cobwebs. Monday's energy will help heal your damaged heart or soul.

A Reawakening for all souls. That's the main cosmic reason that Solar and Lunar Eclipses exist. Earth stands still, silent and pauses. Insects, fish, birds and animals do the same. So do you. Soak in the magnificent renewal energy.

Total Solar Eclipses are more powerful than Lunars. Monday is a super-charged reawakening for all living souls on the planet - from the dirt you walk on, the rivers, lakes, oceans and seas, and all living plants, birds, animals - and you. Everything on Earth channels, absorbs and emits energy. Eclipses recharge and re-align all things on Earth.

Monday is a wake-up call for world leaders. The message from God and Spiritual Realms: "Stop messing with humanity and Earth. Stop controlling the planet and souls' Earth journeys. You're not God."

Monday is a wake-up call for those souls still "asleep". Monday provides healing and completion energy for us regular folks.

Overall, the bursts of energy on Monday bring supreme clarity and super-charged energy waves from the 11th dimension. It's not the Wrath of God. God doesn't use Wrath. We do that to ourselves. Human self-loathing, self-cannibalism. All religions mentioning God's Wrath are wrong. As mentioned in my latest book on Amazon "A Psychic's Guide to Overcoming Bad Sh!t."

Over the last 30 days, I traveled through Eclipse totality zones in Texas. Not on purpose. I went to Texas to visit and help friends, and see my uncle and cousin. Traveled to Denton, Fort Worth, Waxahachie, Kerrville, Bandera, San Antonio, Llano, Marble Falls, West Houston and every small town between. Highway signs lit up along the way: "Prepare for Eclipse. Know your viewing location." Texas expects over 4 million people to visit the Lone Star State for the Eclipse.

Many Texas news channels creating big fears: "Solar Eclipse & solar flares could shut down electric grid and internet." Not true. The only entity that could shutdown electric and internet on that day and any day: the government. Monday's Trifecta won't do it. Governments might and blame it on the Trifecta. That happens too often the last 30 years.

San Antonio expects almost 1 million Eclipse visitors. In the little town of Bandera where my uncle lives, population 967, they're expecting over 50,000 Eclipse visitors. Holy mackerel! Bandera is beautiful and pure Texas. The Cowboy Capital of the World, it claims. BUT it only has ONE 1-lane highway running through it, only 2 stoplights, 1 donut shop, 4 restaurants, 3 hotels and 5 bars. It can't handle 50,000 visitors unless Bandera opens its 10 churches. Glad I visited my Bandera uncle last week instead of next. It was nice, quiet, no traffic and the Medina River and green grass smelled so sweet.

Totality zone towns will get crazy. What won't get crazy? The actual Eclipse and possibly seeing the comet during the Eclipse mid-point. What else won't get crazy? Your soul and heart. You'll feel more whole; your past tragedies begin healing and get clean-slated. Renewing you: heart, soul, mind, body. In a huge, dramatic way. Monday is a positive, calming, cool change.

Wherever you are, know the Eclipse time. Take a time-out from what you're doing and be still for 30 minutes, or longer, during the 2-hour Eclipse. Meditate, quiet your mind, be silent and still. Feel the awe and power of this robust energy. Feel it flood your soul, heart and body.

Nothing to fear on Monday. The comet won't destroy Earth - on Monday or any other day. The eclipse isn't the Wrath of God. It's a reminder from God: "You are surrounded by love. You are love. You are worthy. You are important. You are protected. Honor your life as I honor you, your soul and your life. Stay true to you and your soul. That's your main soul purpose. Stop being afraid and feeling powerless. You're more powerful than you realize." To world leaders, He has a different message: "Stop being stupid, greedy, evil and hurting people."

If you're empathic (empath), during the Eclipse, you'll feel more connected to "all that is" and a surge of 11th dimension energy that might fill your soul for days. Soak it in. Soak it up. You're meant to be on the planet at this time. The Eclipse could answer your questions: "why" and "how".

May Monday's magnificent energy surround you with love, healing, empowerment and ultimate awe. Wherever you are that day.

-Robin, Your Sedona Spirit Psychic-Medium

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