Have you noticed more grumpy, rude or self-indulgent people in the world today? If so, you're not alone.
In Sedona, we receive 7 million tourists per year. From across the nation and world. We have about 11,000 locals. Tourists swarm our town; outnumbering locals 54:1 in Spring and Fall.
Sedona tourists give locals a peek into the psyche of our nation and globe. Whenever I get groceries or gas, I ask the cashiers "how are the tourists?" Since Covid, they answer: "Entitled, brash, rude, mean. Expecting us to cater to their specific needs." Lately their answer: "Getting worse."
Last week at a local restaurant, some tourists demanded to be seated within 5 minutes. The restaurant was full. They did not have a reservation. They didn't want to wait 20 minutes for a table. Complaining about the restaurant as they stormed out. Hiking trails almost daily, I notice trash and litter on our Red Rock lands - more than ever before. A definite change from times past.
When I first moved to Sedona in March 2009, tourists and locals had the same positive, caring, respectful and welcoming attitude. Since Covid, that has drastically changed. Have you noticed it in your "world" too?
What's missing: Kindness, respect, compassion and courtesy. Just words - if not put into action.
Last week, saw a lady standing near a gas station with a sign "Seeking Acts of Kindness." She had a cup for tips or donations. Took me back to my time in Texas.
In Texas, people showed acts of kindness without a sign. Going through a drive-thru, I'd pay for next driver's meal. Or the previous driver paid mine. No sign needed. Whenever I eat out, I over-tip the waiter/waitress. They need reassurance that we appreciate them. Some of you may do the same. Acts of kindness. When I see a speedy driver on the highway, I switch lanes to let him/her pass. You may do the same. Act of kindness. When a car is stranded on the side of the road, I pull over to check on them. Or give them room by switching lanes. You may do the same. When grocery-shopping, I talk to the staff with respect and dignity. You probably do the same. All acts of kindness.
Helping a neighbor or friend in need: an act of kindness. "Being there" when a friend, family member or stranger is in trouble or crisis: an act of kindness.
Spreading acts of kindness is an individual choice. We can participate or not. Most of us do. Most of the time, it costs nothing. And rewards us too. Something so simple. That changes someone's life for the better.
Ultimately, we are all One. Respecting others enhances our self-respect. When we make someone smile, we smile too. Win-Win. This is also how the Spirit Realm-Heaven works. Souls supporting each other while also supporting us on Earth. In today's crazy world, we sure need that.
--Robin Amanda, The Sedona Spirit Psychic