Hi Everyone. Will start with items that keep showing up, as of today's "view". New stuff discussed after that (Netanyahu, World War, Ukraine, Kill Switch, Simulation, Revolution, Elites).
Some new info: very disturbing. Reader Discretion Advised. If you don't feel stable, if you isolate often, don't have a true "people" support system, or under age 35 or pregnant, please don't read. These Remote Views are not censored and potentially unsettling. I'm simply relaying what I "see". I take no responsibility for any person's reactions to it. I assume readers are wise, mentally-emotionally stable, familiar with politics last 10 years, have strong support system of people around them.
Repeating Info (last 7 days & today):
Kamala sworn in as President soon.
Biden health failing fast; or already dead, using body-double or AI.
No nuclear war.
Update: World War more likely TODAY (80%) than last 18 months.
5th Generation war: total system shutdowns.
Update: Senator Schumer running White House at this time.
New Information Today
Kamala and Democrats dismissing Netanyahu visit: ignitesWW3. Creates division & chaos based on ignorance. They're not informed enough to understand this. OR they're choosing to move US into full-on war with Russia, China and Iran. You cannot trust anyone dismissing Netanyahu visit, or who avoids his speech today at 1p Central. Unity needed. Not division & anger.
Israel-Gaza War. Watch C-Span coverage of Netanyahu speech. He tells the truth. Netanyahu is the only flank protecting Western World from WW3. Majority of people get Israel-Gaza all wrong. It wasn't initiated by Israel. It was initiated by Iran-Hamas. The claim: 40,000 Gazans killed since "war". False. Palestinians & Hamas: over-exaggerating. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houtis (all Iran-backed) invited people into Gaza to fight Israel after Oct attack. Most real Gazans left Gaza, with Israel's help, 45 days after Hamas' October killings (the new holocaust). Most news coverage about Israel-Gaza-Hamas war is 98% lies.
Netanyahu is not a warmonger. He wants peace not war. People need to listen to him. Too many lies told by press about this war.
Kill Switch.
Lesson from Crowdstrike outage. Everything about American & western world way of life has a Kill Switch. Like the nuclear codes. Everything. These switches can be turned on/off at any time, easily.
Kill Switches for banks, food supply, gas at pump, electricity, internet, social media, Cable TV, satellites, stock market, commodities market, foreign exchange markets, global currencies, infrastructure (dams including The Hoover), elections, ballot boxes, fires, nuclear plants, 911 call centers, hospitals, science, pharmaceuticals, federal government, goverment paychecks, Social Security checks, Disability payments, credit cards, mortgages, flights, trains, stoplights. Everything.
Unless you live an Amish off-grid life, your life is very fragile right now. Nothing you can about it. You can contact your local leaders and ask them status of these things. Don't rely on media. Then appreciate every day and every minute of what you have now. With what you have now. Be grateful every day. That's all you can do.
Elites control the switches. Moat are already nested comfortably in their underground bunkers with full power, water, etc.
Ukraine & Russia. This war needs to stop immediately. Today. It affects every aspect about western life. Warmongers in Congress, NATO, EU, UK, WEF, IMF fuel this war. To dismantle western nations. They crossed Red Line with Russia. Russia will retaliate; already has. US government started this war in 2014. Escalated it in 2021. Russia, China, Iran want to finish, destroy western nations through this war.
Russia is winning this war. Since 2021. Western nations losing. Ukraine is losing.
This war must stop. Killed over 500,000 Ukrainians. Ukraine doesn't want this war. US WhiteHouse does. With Biden WH "gone", Ukraine wants war stopped. Biden initiated war & Billions $$ to Ukraine. Majority Ukrainians are pro-Russia. Always been. War has destroyed Ukraine. Only benefits elites who don't care about human lives lost. This is a backgammon game to Elites. No rationale. Just play. While people die. Fed by Americans' taxes without asking Americans if they want war. Without officially declaring war by US Congress.
Anyone supporting war in Ukraine is not trustworthy. Since war begin 2014 and escalated in 2021. Anyone supporting "Ukraine" is not knowledgeable about this war. Or they don't care about human lives (anti-humanism). Any donations toward Ukraine war benefit Elites, not you. They don't care about you. Elites want you struggling.
People ask "Are we living in a simulation? Is this a movie - or the matrix?" Because nothing makes sense. The answer is simple.
Americans treat politics like it's entertainment. For decades. Without actively participating in political process, except voting and watching news. Without regarding politics as important & vital for a strong, liberty-driven America.
This mass consciousness of viewing politics like a football game or video game moved politics from vital to celebrity entertainment. Americans didn't take it seriously enough. So now it's a "movie."
Elites know this. They feed off it. They scan social media and monitor news, households. Then they create new crises to upset the masses. They know what masses are thinking & focused on. They flip the script, embellish the script. Americans relinquished their power over government. Now government controls Americans.
Mass consciousness is responsible for today's strange days. People grab popcorn and read headlines, social media. They laugh, get mad, or fight one another. Not understanding how this affects their human psyches, hearts and society at large. Not understanding how their inaction affects the "energetic field". Not understanding or remembering wisdom "you control your life by participating in politics & having voice in policy-making."
Politics is not entertainment. It's created for you to participate, not watch. Politicians are not celebrities. This isn't a football game. This is real life. Yours.
Politicians have power over your life because you gave it to them. You didn't speak with them. Ask them questions. They don't know you. After you voted, you forgot about them. In doing so, you gave them power. Now they won't let go of it.
Originally, US government was governed by the people. For over 150 years. People participated - even before taxes existed. Now it's governed by politicians. Elites control those politicians. While you forgot about your politicians & leaders, elite powerbrokers didn't. Powerbrokers with millions $$ in their pocket paid more attention than you did. They often asked congressmen "How many constituents contacted you lately? Last month, this year, etc." Standard answers: Very few. So powerbrokers "romanced" your elected leaders. You forgot about them.
You gave up your power. And now you now work for them. You pay your taxes. That pays their salaries. You won't see that money again. Ukraine has it!
If people participated in the process each month, today's America would be stable, prosperous, peaceful and united.
Elites feed on Americans' Spectator Mode. They love it - how Americans consume news instead of taking action and actually participating. This movie or simulation was created by American mass consciousness.
Want to stop it? Start taking action. Contact your local, state and federal leaders. When picking up for your phone for latest news, first google email addresses of your local and state leaders. When you see a headline that interests you, email your elected officials about it. Whether they're Dem, Ind or GOP. AND. Talk to your neighbors amd family about policies. Start a conversation. Listen more than talk.
New American Revolution
Every day I "remote-view" last 2 years, this pops up. Always thought: "Reminder of what's to come." Riots, infrastructure down, food supply stopped, etc. Clarified today.
Answer: "Revolt is necessary. By law-abiding legal citizens. Only way to save America now. Return control to the people. Before anti-American groups and US enemy nations do it. Quickest path to peace: play offense, not defense. Now. We've said this for last 3 years. Time is now.
"Major, huge peaceful protests everywhere. Every state capitol. Every city hall. And in Washington DC. Organize for a specific day or week.
"The Left does this, sometimes violently. They get a Hall Pass.
"Time for "Right" to do it. Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection. It was a scare tactic designed to dissuade Trump supporters from peaceful protests. Media lied about Jan 6. Politicians lied. To stop good Americans from protesting & revolting. Stop giving in to US enemies."
(I'm not supporting war. I don't like war or violence. I'm a violent crime survivor. Pacifist. I'm simply relaying Spirit Realm message.)
Last View Topic: Riots, protests will happen when Biden's death announced and any other event occurs that diminishes power of Democrats. Biden-supporters, Antifa, BLM and gang members will do this. Democrats will support their violence. Then blame other side. The other side (Trump & RFK supporters) will fight back (non-violently). Cold Civil War gets hot. Civil War gets hot this year - no matter who starts it or fights it. Inevitable.
This will be my last Remote View & Remote View Blog for a while. I don't like what I see. Personally cannot hold or balance the energy from it. Takes longer to "clean & clear" my frequency after RVs. About 2 hours. I love my country. I don't like division, violence, anger. It's easy for people to misunderstand these RVs. Easy for people to blame the messenger. So stepping away for a while.
Thank you for reading this.
Namaste -
Robin, Your Sedona Spirit Psychic-Medium